Bid.Bill.Pay. is a better way to get rid of debt. It is a portal that helps people to pay what they can afford to pay to eliminate their debt. Simply find your account, place a Bid telling the creditor how much you are willing to pay and how much time you need to pay it. Why should I join Bid.Bill.Pay? With Bid.Bill.Pay., you are in control. You state what you are able to pay and you pay it! No hassle. No embarrassing phone calls! No stress!
Opening an account on Bid.Bid.Pay. is easy. Simply click here to get started.
That's easy. Simple open a free account here and you will see a summary of your debt.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Bid Your Debt Away
No haggling, no debates and no pressure. Simply open a free acount. Find your debt. Bid on the amount that your are willing to pay to get rid of the debt
Get A Copy of Your Credit Report
Not sure of what is in your credit report? Click here for a free copy. After you review your credit report, bid your debt away.
Dispute A Debt
Error on your credit report? Dispute the debt under certain conditions, the debt collector will stop all collections until it completes a verification process.